Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Dec 30, 2023 - 02:00 EST
IMPORTANT: Scheduled Maintenance 30 December 2023 (US-East)
Anthology Ally will be performing some planned maintenance to increase the storage of our underlying database for the US-East region. During the maintenance window, Ally features including Institutional and Course Reporting, Instructor Feedback and Alternative Formats may be delayed or unavailable for short periods of time. Ally will still be handling events and new files, however processing may also be delayed during this maintenance period.
US Maintenance for institutions hosted from the North Virginia (US-East-1) AWS Data Center will take place on Saturday 30 December from 2am - 10am Eastern Time / 11pm-7am Pacific Time (beginning Friday evening).
Posted Dec 22, 2023 - 11:41 EST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Americas (Ally - North America).